
Awhi is here to help! We have answers to your frequently asked questions (pātai) about government relations, lobbying and engagement below.


Awhi is here to help! We have answers to your frequently asked pātai (questions) about government relations, lobbying and engagement below.

What is government relations?

In technical terms, government relations is the process of influencing public and government policy at all levels (local, regional, national and even global).  It involves the advocacy of an interest that is affected, actually or potentially, by the decisions of government leaders.

In real terms, it is most commonly seen as getting in front of Members of Parliament (Legislature), the Executive (Ministers) and Officials (Public Servants) to advocate for support on a kaupapa (issue) or matter.

Is government relations the same as lobbying?

Essentially, yes. Lobbying, advocacy, government relations, political engagement: they are different terms for the same activity. Effective government relations is actioned through a variety of different mechanisms, at a range of different levels, depending on your kaupapa.

To lobby well is to know how to appropriately leverage a range of engagement opportunities and best land your kaupapa in the eyes of decision makers so they know who you are, what you do, why you’re approaching them, and how you can help them (or how they can help you!).

Knowing what to say when you’re in the room is just as important as getting in the room in the first place.

How do I know I need government relations advice?

Government relations advice can be useful to a diverse range of organisations or kaupapa. Government relations support is most commonly used to:

  • influence policy decisions and be part of policy discussions
  • provide feedback on current challenges
  • support activities around sector positioning and leadership
  • have a say through proposed regulatory change
  • be top of mind when decision makers are creating or considering funding opportunities.

If you need assistance in any of these areas, do not hesitate to get in touch with us.

What kind of issues can you lobby?

Almost any issue can be lobbied. We will advise you – at no cost – as to whether we believe that utilising our services could reasonably assist you in achieving the outcome you seek.

How much does government relations advice cost?

Fees vary across the industry. The sector is unregulated, which means that you must take extra care to ensure you are getting value for money.

Awhi upholds the Awhi Lobbying Principles, which outline best practice expectations for the lobbying industry in Aotearoa. These apply in respect of all work carried out for clients by us, and is why our integrity principle includes a commitment to charging a fee that is fair and reasonable.

How does Awhi charge for its services?

As well as traditional consulting, Awhi has streamlined service offerings that can be utilised by organisations trying to access meaningful, bespoke advice, while staying on budget. All clients interested in engaging are provided a standard pricing sheet.

What can I expect when engaging Awhi?

Transparent communication with high integrity individuals working within a kaupapa-Māori organisation, which prides itself on always aiming for the best outcome for all clients.

Does Awhi have a code of conduct or an ethical framework?

In Huitanguru (February) 2024 Awhi adopted the Awhi Lobbying Principles. These principles aim to outline best practice expectations for lobbying, so everyone who aims to influence government decisions understands their role in maintaining public trust in the integrity of our democracy.

Why should I choose Awhi over other firms?

Our mission is to make engagement simple. Whether that be political, stakeholder or media engagement, we exist to break down barriers and open up access to traditionally inaccessible processes.

The lobbying industry is infamous for being a tool for those with the deepest pockets; stakeholder engagement is often ad hoc and piecemeal; media engagement can be the same commentators over and over again, regardless of expertise.

Awhi exists to change that. We want these expert services to be something everyone can access; where there is equal opportunity to be heard.

Who does Awhi represent?

In line with our Transparency Principle, Awhi proactively discloses the identity of organisations, individuals and foreign states being represented. As at Tuesday 2 April, Awhi represents:

  • Tuatahi First Fibre
  • Restaurant Association of New Zealand
  • Kookiri ki Taamakimakaurau Trust
  • Te Piringa Hapū
  • Ngāti Manuhiri Settlement Trust
  • Te Arawa Lakes Trust
  • Re.Group
  • Ario (3KM Technology)
  • Tuu Whakahee Waipiro Limited
  • Mātauranga Iwi Leaders Group
  • Banqer
  • Diane Hunt
Why are you called Awhi?

We adopted the name Awhi in Pipiri (June) 2021 to better represent the mahi we do across the motu (country). At its core, awhi means to embrace, enfold, surround, nurture and support; this is how Awhi provides its advocacy – we are invested in the kaupapa of our clients.

What size does my business need to be to seek government relations assistance?

Government relations can be of value to businesses of every size, however it is important to know what you want to achieve. Before you start, Awhi will work with you to identify why you want to lobby, and what you want to achieve.

How do you lobby?

Lobbying can take on many forms. We are big believers in whakawhanaungatanga (relationship building) and adopt this as a central pou in everything we do. Awhi will remain alongside you throughout the entire process: from determining your issues and mapping out a pathway to achieve outcomes, to execution and productive engagement.

Our guiding mantra was adopted following an external workshop in Rotorua. It both inspires and underpins how we work: “stay easy on the relationship, stay hard on the kaupapa”.

Can Awhi help me with other mahi?

The broad expertise of the team at Awhi offers opportunities to provide support and advice in many areas, which may support your kaupapa. As well as government relations, we have expertise in:

  • communications advice including strategy and crisis comms
  • the passage of legislation and submission support
  • engagement with Māori and te Tiriti-centric policy design
  • public relations consultancy services.
My business is small, do I need government relations advice?

Have a chat with us about your issues and what you are hoping to achieve through engagement with policy makers.  Remember that sometimes the smallest of organisations can have the most powerful message if done right.

Are you a Living Wage Employer?

Āe! We are! We believe it is a small, meaningful thing we can do to support the lowest wage earners in our economy.

How do I start my Awhi engagement?

Jump to the ‘Let’s Kōrero’ tab at the top of the page and decide from there! You can send us an email or submit an instant enquiry, which will form the first step in your journey with Awhi. We will review the information you provide as well as gather any further details we might need to understand your issue. If we can assist with your kaupapa, we will then organise a time to kōrero.


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